
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Episode 32: An Interview with John Bracey
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Welcome to a special episode of MythTake! Rather than bring you our usual format of myth analysis, we're doing something a little different. We're giving this episode over to talk about race in classics.
The Black Lives Matter movement has been gaining renewed momentum, and hashtags like #shutdownacademia and #blackintheivory are highlighting the experiences of Black people in academia. Classics itself is a predominately white whose area of research gets co-opted for white supremacist causes. To push back against this, and to help elevate Black voices in Classics, we put out a Twitter call for Black classicists to use our platform to share their stories. Today, we're pleased to bring you this interview with John Bracey.
John Bracey, aka @magisterbracey on Twitter, is a Latin teacher in Massachusetts teaching Latin using the Comprehensible Input technique.. He has an MA in Classics from Boston College and in 2016 he was named Latin Teacher of the Year by the Massachusetts Foreign Language Association. He leads workshops for teachers around the US on language teaching.
He has written in Eidolon about his experience trying to get hired as a Black Latin teacher and why students of color don’t take Latin.
Find John online at https://magisterbracey.com.
This episode is kindly sponsored by Our Voices in Classics, a not-for-profit organization that proactively seeks to amplify and uplift the voices of students and scholars at all levels whom the field of Classics has traditionally marginalized, ignored, or silenced.
Find our growing collection of links to resources on talking about race and on race and racism in academia on Wakelet.
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Join us on Twitter @InnesAlison and @darrinsunstrum or @MythtakePodcast.
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We’re a part of the #HumanitiesPodcasts podcasting community. Check out the hashtag and follow @HumCommCasters to find many more engaging and knowledgeable podcasts.
This week’s theme music: “Super Hero” by King Louie’s Missing Monuments from the album “Live at WFMU” (2011). Used under Creative Commons license and available from Free Music Archive.

Monday May 18, 2020
Episode 31: Heroes in the Time of COVID
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
We're baaack! We've been hearing a lot about heroes in the news lately and it's got us thinking. The word's being used to describe doctors, nurses, paramedics, delivery people, truck drivers, and grocery store workers-- all the people who are keeping our society going through the COVID-19 pandemic. But what do we really mean when we call someone a hero? Do our heroes today resemble the heroes of myth? Or are we using the label "hero" to escape societal responsibilities?
Join Darrin and Alison for this special pandemic issue of MythTake. Guest appearance by our new feline production manager!
Mattel Commemorates the Heroes of the Pandemic With New Line of Action Figures (Adweek)
America's Heroism Trap (Slate)
Healthcare Workers Deserve More than Hero Memes (Passage)
I’m An NHS Doctor. I Don’t Want To Be A Hero – I Want To Do My Job Without The Risks (Huffington Post)
Calling Healthcare Workers "Heroes" Sets Them Up to be Sacrificed (GQ)
'Hero' Rings Hollow (LA Times)
We want to hear from you!
Join us on Twitter @InnesAlison and @darrinsunstrum or @MythtakePodcast.
Give us a like, let us know what you think, and follow along on Facebook at MythTake.
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We're a part of the #HumanitiesPodcasts podcasting community. Check out the hashtag and follow @HumCommCasters to find many more engaging and knowledgeable podcasts.
This week’s theme music: “Super Hero” by King Louie’s Missing Monuments from the album “Live at WFMU” (2011). Used under Creative Commons license and available from Free Music Archive.

Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Episode 30: MythTake at the Movies-- Aquaman
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
Sunday Jan 27, 2019
This episode we head to the movies and apply our mythological skills to the recent release Aquaman (starring Jason Momoa and Amber Heard and Directed by James Wan). Spoiler alerts!
These people like our show so much, they decided to support us on Patreon! Thank you so much!
Aven McMaster & Mark Sundaram (Alliterative); Joelle Barfoot; Erika Dilworth; Stargate Pioneer (Better Podcasting); Dan Lizotte; and Greg Beu.
We want to hear from you!
Join us on Twitter @InnesAlison and @darrinsunstrum or @MythtakePodcast.
Give us a like, let us know what you think, and follow along on Facebook at MythTake.
Subscribe on iTunes or Google Play so you don’t miss an episode! Find our RSS on Podbean.
Like what you hear? Please support us on Patreon.
We're a part of the #HumanitiesPodcasts podcasting community. Check out the hashtag and follow @HumCommCasters to find many more engaging and knowledgeable podcasts.
This week’s theme music: “Super Hero” by King Louie’s Missing Monuments from the album “Live at WFMU” (2011). Used under Creative Commons license. Music used under Creative Commons license and available from Free Music Archive.

Saturday Dec 08, 2018
Episode 28: Antigone
Saturday Dec 08, 2018
Saturday Dec 08, 2018
This episode is all about Antigone. We discuss a recent local production of Antigone that explores the current cultural significance of the play and explore a variety of themes. We also have a special free give away for our listeners!
Antigone, Adapted and Directed by Mike Griffin
Literature & History Episode 32 Antigone
History of Ancient Greece Episode 51 Sophocles
These people like our show so much, they decided to support us on Patreon! Thank you so much!
Aven McMaster & Mark Sundaram (Alliterative); Joelle Barfoot; Erika Dilworth; Stargate Pioneer (Better Podcasting); Greg Beu; Jeff Wright (Trojan War Podcast); and Dan Lizote.
We want to hear from you!
Join us on Twitter @InnesAlison and @darrinsunstrum or @MythtakePodcast.
Give us a like, let us know what you think, and follow along on Facebook at MythTake.
Subscribe on iTunes or Google Play so you don’t miss an episode! Find our RSS on Podbean.
Like what you hear? Please support us on Patreon.
We're a part of the #HumanitiesPodcasts podcasting community. Check out the hashtag and follow @HumCommCasters to find many more engaging and knowledgeable podcasts.
This week’s theme music: “Super Hero” by King Louie’s Missing Monuments from the album “Live at WFMU” (2011). Used under Creative Commons license. Music used under Creative Commons license and available from Free Music Archive.

Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Episode 27: A Bard and a Horse
Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Sunday Jan 21, 2018
We're back with a full-length episode! For episode 27, we crack open our shiny new copy of Emily Wilson's translation of Odyssey! After a chat about the challenges of accessing myths through translation, we take a look at a small episode that makes up a big part of the Trojan War myth. We hope we do this beautiful translation justice!
We also have listener mail from Andrew, who asks us for some reading recommendations. Check out our recommended reading and listening!
Source Passages
Odyssey 8. 482- 520 (Trans. Wilson).
Translation Sources
Homer. Odyssey. Trans. Emily Wilson. 2018.
Homer. Odyssey. Trans. Richmond Lattimore. 1967.
Recommended Listening
Aven McMaster & Mark Sundaram. The Endless Knot. Episode 50: Translating the Odyssey, with Emily Wilson. Jan. 3, 2018.
Curtis Dozier. Mirror of Antiquity. Episode 1: Translating the Past, with Rachel Kitzinger. Jan. 2, 2018.
Jeff Wright. Trojan War: The Podcast.
Recommended Reading
Bruce Meyer. Heroes: From Heracles to Superman. 2007.
Bruno Snell. The Discovery of the Mind in Greek Philosophy and Literature. 2011.
Christopher Logue. All Day Permanent Red: The First Battle Scenes of Homer's Iliad Rewritten. 2004.
Joseph Campbell. Goddesses: Mysteries of the Feminine Divine. 2013.
Joseph Campbell. Hero of a Thousand Faces. 2008.
Terry Eagleton. Literary Theory: An Introduction. 2008.
Walter Ong. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. 1982.
These people like our show so much, they decided to support us on Patreon! Thank you so much!
Aven McMaster & Mark Sundaram (Alliterative); Joelle Barfoot; Erika Dilworth; Stargate Pioneer (Better Podcasting); Greg Beu.
We want to hear from you!
Join us on Twitter @InnesAlison and @darrinsunstrum or #MythTake.
Give us a like, let us know what you think, and follow along on Facebook at MythTake.
Subscribe on iTunes or Google Play so you don’t miss an episode! Find our RSS on Podbean.
Like what you hear? Please support us on Patreon.
We're a part of the #HumanitiesPodcasts podcasting community. Check out the hashtag and follow @HumCommCasters to find many more engaging and knowledgeable podcasts.
This week’s theme music: “Super Hero” by King Louie’s Missing Monuments from the album “Live at WFMU” (2011). Used under Creative Commons license. Music used under Creative Commons license and available from Free Music Archive.

Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Episode 26: The Bakkhai
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Sunday Oct 22, 2017
Warning: This podcast discusses adult themes and theatre scenes of an erotic nature.
Blood. Violence. Passion. Wine. This episode has it all, as we discuss the Stratford Festival production of Bakkhai, a new translation of Euripides' Bacchae by Ann Carson.
We apologize for a few audio glitches, especially around the eleven minute mark. We thought this episode was worth sharing anyway and hope you enjoy it.
Find out more about the Stratford Festival production of Bakkhai, including photos and a video trailer, on the production's website.
You can read more about the Twitches & Itches production of Euripides' Bacchae in January 2017 in the Brock News.

Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Episode 25: The Perseids
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
What do you see when you look up at the night sky in August? The story of Perseus! The classicists return to thinking about outer space this episode when we talk about the Perseid meteor shower and the constellations around it.

Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Episode 24: Wonder Woman
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
In this very special episode, we turn our talent for analysis to a modern myth: Wonder Woman!
Wonder Woman. Dir. Patty Jenkins. Gal Gadot. Warner Brothers, 2017. Film. http://wonderwomanfilm.com

Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
Episode 23: Homeric Hymn to Apollo (Part 3)
Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
Tuesday Jun 13, 2017
We pick up the pace a bit and wrap up the second half of the Homeric Hymn to Apollo. Learn about the Apollo's connection with the ancient site at Delphi.

Tuesday May 09, 2017
Episode 22: Homeric Hymn to Apollo (Part 2)
Tuesday May 09, 2017
Tuesday May 09, 2017